Community Announcements
Help Stop Hate provides support and resources to people and communities affected by hate. The service is free, confidential, and not affiliated with law enforcement. Reports can be made anonymously by calling
(877) 458-4283, or (877) 458-HATE, Monday to Friday from 12-9 PM or online at any time by visiting Online reports can be made in seven languages. Callers can report in the language of their preference and receive assistance from call specialists trained in trauma-informed care. Help Stop Hate is a project of the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes and the Illinois Department of Human Rights.
Grant/Funding Opportunities and Community Engagement Resources
Listed below are grant opportunities as well as resources to engage our communities.
Please note that some dates/deadlines are approaching.
Scholarship/Employment Opportunities
Please Click The Link, If Available.
Debra T Thomas II Job Opportunity |
ISC Leadership Hiring Opportunities For Gotioin, Incorporated (Search under the ‘Office’ tab for the Manteno location for all listed jobs.) |
Bloomington-Normal NAACP Notes